Your business is our business!
Land use, real estate transactions, and property law;
- Landlord/Tenant law;
Oregon administrative law, license issues, hearings and appeals;
Litigation and negotiation;
Oregon election law, constitutional law, free speech, defense of your rights!;
Employment law, entity formation, governance;
Business transactions, sales/service contracts etc.;
Wills, trusts, probate disputes and estate planning matters;
Municipal and government law;
Second Amendment rights; and
Many other special areas.
We are known for our thorough approach, feel free to call us to discuss your issue. If it is something we can help with, we will schedule an initial consultation.
The focus of our firm is on business law which includes many practice areas such as: land use, real estate law, administrative law, contract litigation, landlord tenant, document drafting, buy sell agreements, business sales, estate planning, and a lot more as explained below. We can take care of the legal needs for you so you can focus on what you do best–your business. We will customize a service to help solve your problem.
Many legal problems are unique, one of a kind situations. We promise you will receive the personalized service you deserve. You deserve to have an attorney on your side that you can trust to give you good legal advice, be honest and not waste your time or money while still looking at your situation from all perspectives. This is why we call ourselves “Rural Business Attorneys“. We understand where you are coming from.
Land use approvals, property disputes, and development.
Our law firm can guide you along a complex or simple property disputes or real estate transaction. We can walk you through development approvals or property disputes even if it is EFU or Ag. land. The goal here is to minimize costs, and avoid litigation while making sure your assets and investment is protected and your interests are secure. We can represent you at the local level in your home town and at the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) if necessary. You won’t find anyone that cares more about land use issues than the attorneys at our firm.
Business matters, entity formation, corporate structure, trademark or trade secrets.
Municipal Law- Administrative Law
More Practice Areas:
Real estate transactions, contracts, landlord-tenant services. Oregon real estate law and Oregon landlord tenant law can be minefields for the unwary. We can guide you on one time real estate transactions or be your go-to team for ongoing property matters.
Oregon election law. We can advise you on initiative petition matters or election law during your campaign or help you preserve your rights against laws or administrative rules that infringe on you. We care deeply about public meetings laws, fair and honest government and protecting local rights. You won’t find many attorneys in Oregon that know more about election law that our attorneys do. We handle initiatives, referendums, ballot titles, political campaigns, election law and more.
Corporate Counsel. Often full time legal staff may cost too much for your organization. Our legal services are available with creative pricing for all levels of part time involvement with your company to answer your occasional call for legal assistance.
Recruiting law, Non-Compete agreements, and employment restrictions. With a former career building some of the world’s most elite technology teams, we understand competitive employment.
Please do not hesitate to contact any of our staff or attorneys. Tyler Smith is the founder and managing attorney but any of the other attorneys or our administrative staff would love to talk with you. We don’t charge you for the five to ten minutes of time it takes our staff to figure out if the type of legal matter you have is something we can help with, so if you are not sure, call us to tell us about your situation. If we can help you we can then set up an initial consultation or get started.
Tyler Smith & Associates PC
503-496-7177 (office)
503-212-6392 (fax)
(alt fax available)